Kiss adult acne goodbye with the new Kiehl’s acne treatment range

updated the Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Check out Kiehl’s newly-reformulated spot treatment and all-new acne-treating facial lotion!

There is nothing quite as frustrating as adult acne; just when you thought you’ve left the worst vestiges of your teenage years behind, you still have to reckon with the same old spots. If you’ve been struggling to find a treatment range that works for your adult acne, fret not. Kiehl’s has released two new treatment products from its Dermatologist Solutions Breakout Control Treatments range – and they may just be the answer to your adult acne woes.

Sulphur and Salicylic Acid: The Acne-busting ingredients

The range features two new products, the Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment and the Treatment Facial Lotion.  The spot treatment, powered by 10% Sulfur and Vitamin B3, has been clinically proven to reduce and prevent the appearance of blemishes, plus also heal acne scars. And if you struggle with critical acne, complement the spot treatment with the all-over facial treatment. Its salicylic acid, aloe vera and vitamin B3 content prevents blemishes without aggravating the skin.

For centuries, sulfur has been used to treat skin conditions like acne. Its high anti-microbial properties encourage the shedding of your outer skin layers, allowing sebum to pass freely through the skin without causing any acne lesions. Salicylic acid helps removes dead surface skin cells that trap oil and bacteria, while Aloe and Vitamin B3 calms the complexion, brightens skin and keeps it soft. You feel none of that dryness and “tightness” typical of other acne treatments. It’s about time, too, because frankly, it’s 2016 and nobody has time for excessively drying acne treatments!

The Kiehl’s Dermatologist Solutions Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment (SGD52/20ml) and the Dermatologist Solutions Breakout Control Blemish Treatment Facial Lotion (SGD80/60ml) will be available at all Kiehl’s outlets from January 2017. 

Sarah Khan

Photos: Kiehl’s

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